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The Upcoming Year: Outlining the Changes

In my last post, I mentioned that changes would be coming to this blog. I thought I'd outline them here and also chart the intended course for 2013.

My primary commitment it to write two posts per month. Since the birth of my daughter my posting has been erratic. She's old enough and my situation is settled enough that I can begin to get myself back into a schedule. Some months will have more than two posts, but none will have less.

I also hope to raise the quality of the posts, especially the writing. I know my posts often need editing. It's not something I enjoy, but I will commit myself to it for both of our sake, though it is not one of my strengths. I hope that the quality of the content also improves. These two posts should be substantial and hopefully worth your time. I might also go back and sift through some of the old posts, cleaning them up a little and perhaps delete a few that I find to be subpar.

This blog will also get a makeover in look and feel. It will probably take place over the next month or two, so don't be surprised by periodic changes. When I decide on a final form, I'll explain the rationale. One piece that will change for certain is the name of the blog. I'm playing with a couple of ideas and haven't settled on anything final.

So what topics will I cover this year? First there probably will be a few book reviews. I'm currently working through Markus Bockmuehl's little book, Simon Peter in Scripture and Memory and am planning to review that. I haven't finalized a reading schedule yet, so I'm not sure what other reviews will appear. If there are any book that you would like to see me review leave a comment and I may decide to do so (no promises). Second, I have one more post to write to wrap up my series on the Song of Songs. It'll be an overview piece. I will follow that up with the usual commentary review post. Third, Doctor Who will figure prominently again this year. I'm in process on a second post on Amy Pond, and will also write a comparative piece that looks at a creative rewriting of a Classic Doctor Who episode by Russel T. Davies. Additionally, the statistician in me has decided that I need to come up with a methodology for ranking all things Doctor Who. Look for that late summer or early fall.

I haven't yet discussed the main thing I'll be writing about yet, because, well, I haven't decided what it will be. As I teased in the last post, I'm working out a new way of doing theology. I want to offer a fresh presentation of the Christian way. I plan to start this year, but I need to make a final decision on a launching point. Once that decision is made then the rest of my plans will fall into line. A significant focus of this blog since its inception has been careful and systematic study through specific books of the Bible. That will continue, but the book I choose next will be selected to serve this wider purpose. I also intend to write one or two long papers this year that are academic in style which will do some of the heavy lifting for my theological project.

I'm excited about 2013. It's the most excited I've been about this blog in a long time. I hope you're excited too and looking forward to what's to come.


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