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What's On Tap!

I'm excited about the start of the new year hear at Seeking the Truth... I wanted to give you all a heads up about some of what you can expect here on the blog in the next year.

First, I'll be kicking the series on Galatians into high gear. Hopefully I will finish it in the next couple of months. Even though they don't get as much traffic as some of my other posts, I want to make the study and discussion of Scripture a central element of this blog, so hopefully shortly after Galatians concludes I'll start something else, possibly Luke, John, or Hebrews but I haven't decided yet and am open to suggestions.

Even though I'm not at Trinity this year I still will try to do a monthly book review, though it will be a little tougher to get my hands on something now (there will not be a review in January in all likelihood). I want to try to do another very detailed review of some book this year like I did for Inhabiting the Cruciform God. I don't know what book that will be, though. Any requests?

This year, the historical Jesus will be an area of focus in my reading, so you can probably also expect to see some posts on that topic, especially related to the hermeneutics of historical Jesus studies. Additionally, I am doing an informal seminar with one of my friends in which we'll be going through First Theology: God, Scripture & Hermeneutics by Kevin Vanhoozer, so I'll write some posts based on that book. Beyond that, we'll see what happens. I'm looking forward to another year of blogging and I hope you are looking forward to another year of reading and commenting!


  1. Luke, John or Hebrews? Do you plan on that series running until 2014?

    I'll be interested in hearing what you read for your historical Jesus studies. I used to read a ton in that field, but probably haven't read anything on it in quite some time.

    For your longer book review, are you thinking this would be in the world of historical Jesus studies? Or are you looking for something different? I'm sure I can think of a book I'd like to read but don't have time, so I'll live vicariously through you. =)

  2. I know, I know, given the pace I go at 2014 probably isn't a ridiculous finishing date. Basically I'm ready to move on from Paul for a while, though I'll continue to read in that area a bit. I would kinda like to study a gospel while doing my historical Jesus studies. Of the synoptics I probably am least comfortable with Luke hence that option. I'm also not sure how to best work John into my understanding of Jesus so that's why I'm considering that one. However, the length of the gospels intimidate me, so Hebrews is more manageable by comparison. I also think Hebrews is interesting in its way it uses the OT which makes me want to study it.

    For starters I'll read JVG, Seeking the Identity of Jesus edited by Hays and Gaventa, Allison's new book Constructing Jesus, The Real Jesus by Luke Timothy Johnson, and Jesus and the Eye Witnesses by Bauckham. I'm trying to get a decent spread. I'm not sure if I'll read anything out of the Jesus Seminar or not. It depends on how much time I want to spend on this one. Are there any you'd strongly recommend?

    My longer book review could be from historical Jesus studies, but doesn't have to be. My only request is that the book is under 350 pages (unless you really badly wanted me to go through the deliverance of God by campbell - I might make an exception there).

  3. I hear the desire to move on from Paul. That's actually why I haven't read anything on the historical Jesus in a while, I hit a point where I just couldn't handle it anymore. That doesn't mean I've stopped reading the Gospels, for the record.

    For books on the historical Jesus, the only recent one that I'd like to read is Keener's massive book. I own and have read parts of Bauckham's book you mention, but just don't have time to really wade through it.

    One of the best, but often overlooked, books on the historical Jesus is Ben Witherington's The Christology of Jesus. It might be his best book, in my opinion. It gets overlooked, I think, because of all he's written.

    I personally have little interest in Campbell's book. Maybe you should do a book on Revelation. Gorman has recently written a book, if you want to stay in his camp a little longer. You're interested in the atonement, correct? Didn't Scot McKnight write a good book a couple years ago on the atonement put out by Abingdon?

  4. Alright, I'll add Witherington's to my list for this year. If I decide I want to do year 2 of historical Jesus reading then Keener may fit in there.

    I have some interest in Gorman's book. I'll probably read it but I don't know if I want to spend my lengthy review on that book. However, you may have picked a winner with McKnight's book - A Community Called Atonement. I'll call that my front-runner for now.

  5. have enjoyed following your blog this year, and looking forward to next. Would be interested to hear your take on JVG. Its the only historical Jesus book I have read, and I found it very thought-provoking.

  6. Thanks Mark. I'm actually reading it right now, so perhaps later this month or early next month I'll offer some thoughts.


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